Saturday, September 22, 2012

DB3: week 3 Activity

When something is reproduce for so many times is that art? What's the importance of the mechanical reproducibility of the art? What was the impact on mechanical reproducibilty on the society?

Something that reproduced for many times considered as an art. As mentioned by Walter Benjamin, "The Greeks knew only two procedures of technically producing work of art: founding and stamping. Bronzes, Terra Cottas, and coins were the only art works which they could produce in quantity." Reproduced those things many times would be due to the need of those things. Mechanical reproducibility of an art is important because it shows the technology for that time and new idea of what art was. Mechanical reproducibility brought a new idea of art and improved our society.

Is photography art or contribution to the art? Is it just a tool used by artists?

In my opinion, photography is both art and contribution to the art. First, because the aim of every artist is to arrest a motion which is life, and that's how photography is an art. Second, it is also a contribution to the art as we used a tool to the primary objection that makes the mechanical process handles all the work.

How and why Henry Pitch Robinson created Fading Away? what was the reason?

Henry Pitch Robinson created Fading Away by combining five different negatives together which formed one picture. He made this because he wanted to capture the truth of what the family was going through as peaceful death of a young girl due to tuberculosis. Henry wants to show from his picture the emotion or feelings behind it.

Photography has impacted the world of art and influenced some changes in the area of accessibility to art. if mechanical reproduction created revolution, what is happening now with the digitalization?

Mechanical production created revolution for digitalization art and photography. Digitalization was given life by the revolution that mechanical reproduction brought and now digitalization would be advancement for the world today. Therefore, it becomes more common and everyone is depending on computers to edit images, video, etc. Software products are being introduced in the market that allows us to digitalize an image or video.

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